Counseling Psychologist
Dorottya Csurgai
Counseling Psychologist,
Integrative Therapist,
Group Analyst in training.

I graduated in 2002 from Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary as a certified psychologist with a Master's Degree in Psychology, majoring in Health and Personality Psychology.
I completed my internship at the Psychogynecology Department of St. János Hospital in Budapest (border area between Gynecology and Psychology/Psychiatry). My thesis was born on this topic. During this time I also volunteered at the Budapest Early Intervention Center in a group of at-risk children.
I started my journey of self-knowledge with Psychoanalytic therapy with a training Psychotherapist, member of the Hungarian Psychoanalytic Association.
After a period of career detour in Arts and Culture, I returned to my profession in 2014. I continued and completed my previously started method-specific training in Integrative Therapy (KIP, NLP, Hypnoanalysis, Egostate, Relaxation Techniques) at the Hungarian Integrative Psychotherapy Association. In parallel, I completed the propaedeutic training of the Hungarian Psychoanalytically Oriented Psychotherapy and Training Association, which gave me an insight into various psychotherapy methods and psychopathology. I continued on my journey of self-knowledge too, this time with Group Analysis, at the Hungarian Group Analytic and Training Society.
In 2022, I obtained a Postgraduate Degree in Counseling Psychology, specialising on Crisis Psychology at my old alma mater, Eötvös Loránd University, at Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology.
Since 2017, I have been working with families raising children with special needs and severe health and physical conditions as a Counseling Psychologyst at the Budapest Early Intervention Center. Also, providing supervision and mental health care for Special Education Specialists in individual and group settings.
Before the outbreak of the epidemic, I worked at the Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic of the Terézváros Health Service in Budapest, conducting group and individual sessions.
In my private practice, I am working with adults – in person and online, in Hungarian and English – who are struggling with emotional–mental difficulties, either as a result of a long-standing problem or as of an acute, unexpected crisis.